Lachelle Dauphin

This page is a work in progress, but feel free to look around! There's just. No photos yet.


From across the area, you spot a willowy viera woman. She fiddles with her lavender hair a bit before noticing your gaze out of the corner of her eye, turning her head to look at you. Her ruby red eyes are not unkind, but guarded as she takes in your appearance. After a moment, she offers you a wave and a meek smile before turning her attention back the company she's with. She giggles at something someone said, hand coming up to her mouth, but stops abruptly at the words of another, making an indignant noise. Is that a pout? She seems all poise and elegance, but clearly that's not the case.You observe her still, taking in her form. Her outfit is well put together, coordinated from the earrings adorning her fluffy ears to the shoes on her feet. Around her waist, you see a satchel just big enough to fit some form of medicines on her. On either hip, you see weapons. Appearances can be deceiving; she's more battle hardy than you first thought.The viera spares you a glance again, eyes more defensive since this is the second time she's caught you looking at her. She departs from the group and walks towards you. She stops roughly a couple fulm away, crossing her arms over her chest. You note the claws, one of them tapping on her arm. When she speaks, you hear a faint accent."Can I help you with something?"


Name: Lachelle Dauphin
Former Aliases: Llammul Tswarra
Age: 23
Race: Viera (Veena)
Height: 6'3" (ears not included in height)
Birth Place: Tswarra Village of the Skatay Range, Othard
Current Residence:
Nameday: 4th Sun of the 5th Umbral Moon (October 4th)
Gender: Female (she/her)
Orientation: Lesbian
Martial Status: Married (Emilia Berona)
Patron Deity: Azeyma, the Warden
Occupation: Sellsword
Canon Classes: Dancer, Bard, Pugilist

Roleplay Hooks

Deserter: When Lachelle was only four summers old, Tswarra was blindsided by an attack from the Garlean Empire. Several elders, instead of staying to defend the village, grabbed as many kits and able-bodied villagers that were willing to go with them as they could and fled to Eorzea, where they found refuge in the Shroud. Lachelle was essentially orphaned, her father killed while defending the village and her mother taken prisoner, so she was among the kits rounded up in the escape. Many years later, the group discovered that the village had held their own against the attack despite the casualties and imprisonments, and declared all that had fled as cowards; deserters that were no longer welcome within the village, kits included. Whether you identify her as a victim of circumstances or complacent is up to you.Dancer: During the beginning of her adventures, Lachelle stumbled across the dance troupe of Ul'dah and became enamored immediately in the practice, auditioning and landing a place in the troupe. She was a regular performer for the group until she had met her now-wife, Emilia. Have you seen her around the streets of Ul'dah; her lavender hair and graceful gait are unmistakable.

Info About the Player

-I'm still kind of new to roleplaying in FFXIV and I don't know a whole bunch about things outside of basic lore mentioned in MSQ. If I make any errors, feel free to correct me in a tell or OOC!
-I'm incredibly shy. Please be patient with me if we're interacting for the first time! I'll acclimate in due time, but it might take me a teeny bit!
-If things take a drastic turn in our roleplay and you're uncomfortable with it, please let me know! We can find a way to deescalate it together, don't worry.
-Both Lachelle and I are taken. She will not accept any advances and neither will I. If you're insistent on trying to hit on either of us, I won't hesitate to blacklist you.
-I don't accept godmodding or metagaming. Expect me to drop the conversation or just blacklist you if you do this.
-Discrimination of any kind whether it be of a real world race or a FFXIV race, sexuality, gender, et cetera is also an automatic blacklist. I don't care if you think it adds to your character, you can make your character an asshole and still not be discriminatory.